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Car Accidents

Posted by 1p21.admin  |  June 18, 2022

What Information I Need to Record After a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident means that you will have to deal with an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit to obtain financial compensation for your bills. You can make this process easier – and increase your chances of success – by gathering certain information from the very beginning of your case. The evidence...
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Posted by 1p21.admin  |  May 25, 2022

What Should I Do if My Car Is Totaled?

Some car accidents are so serious that they damage a vehicle beyond the point of repair – or to an extent where the repairs would cost more than the total value of the vehicle. This is known as a “total loss” to an insurance company, or a totaled car. If your car gets totaled...
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Posted by 1p21.admin  |  May 18, 2022

What Are the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer?

Summertime means school's out – and teenagers get a few months of freedom and fun with their friends. Unfortunately, summer vacation also marks the beginning of the most dangerous time of the year for teen drivers: the 100 deadliest days of summer. Learn what you can do as the parent of a teen driver...
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Posted by Editor  |  May 29, 2019

Common Whiplash Settlements in Alabama

Our firm regularly handles car wreck cases that involve multiple injuries, including the most common complaint of all: whiplash or neck injury. The severity of the injury can be anywhere from just a few days of soreness relieved by over-the-counter medicine, to major neck surgery resulting in a nasty scar and permanent disability. Step...
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Posted by Editor  |  January 31, 2019

Will it hurt my car accident case if I was not wearing a seat belt?

SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES The safest thing you can do when you get in your vehicle is put on your seat belt.  According to the Alabama Department of Public Health, a typical driver in Alabama has a 54.1% probability of being involved in an injury or fatal crash while driving an automobile in their...
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Posted by Editor  |  January 4, 2019

How Do I Get an Accident Report After I Am In An Accident?

If you are in an automobile accident, the first thing you need to do is call the police.  The police will immediately come to the scene of the accident and complete an investigation.  Make sure you provide the police officer with as many details of the accident as you can recall.  After the police...
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Posted by Editor  |  December 14, 2018

How to Prevent Wrong-Way Accidents

Every year in the U.S., wrong-way accidents kill 300 to 400 people on average. Wrong-way accidents are particularly devastating collisions. A vehicle traveling in the wrong direction on a road or highway can cause a head-on collision – one of the deadliest types of car accidents. In a head-on collision, the vehicles collide at...
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Posted by Editor  |  December 5, 2018

Winter Driving Tips for Alabama

Winter driving in Alabama can change abruptly. The state does not receive predictable snowfall each year, often making it difficult for drivers to prepare for the winter weather. Many drivers may encounter their first snow-driving experiences during one of Alabama’s occasional snowstorms. It is important to review safe-driving tips and best practices before hitting...
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Posted by Editor  |  November 26, 2018

Why Is Texting the Most Dangerous Type of Distracted Driving?

Many states have enacted laws against distracted driving, and most of these laws pertain to cell phone use behind the wheel. Several states have banned the use of cell phones while driving or require the use of hands-free calling systems. Many possible distractions may cause car accidents, but texting while driving has proven to...
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Posted by Editor  |  November 15, 2018

Do I Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Alabama? Every state upholds minimum insurance requirements for all drivers. All states have unique laws for handling car accident claims as well. Alabama drivers must carry auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum requirements, but what happens when a driver causes an accident without insurance? It’s vital for all drivers to understand how underinsured...
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