The Long-Term Costs of Amputation Injuries
Amputations are some of the most physically and emotionally devastating injuries that can be suffered in preventable accidents in Alabama. Many different accidents can cause dismemberment or the loss of a limb, including motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents and agricultural disasters. If a victim plans on seeking compensation for an amputation injury, our experienced...
Read MoreCommon Reasons Workers’ Compensation Claims Are Denied
If you get injured on the job in Alabama, the no-fault workers’ compensation system should make it easy for you to collect financial compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. Unfortunately, these claims are not always simple or successful without the help of an experienced workers' compensation attorney in Birmingham. Workers’ compensation insurance...
Read MoreWhat Is the Standard of Care in a Medical Malpractice Case?
If you get injured by a negligent healthcare provider in Alabama, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The failure of a medical practitioner to use an appropriate level of care when treating a patient is known as medical malpractice. This is a tort that can make an injured patient eligible for monetary recovery....
Read MoreWho Is Responsible for an Unsecured Load Accident?
Every year, hundreds of traffic accidents involving large commercial trucks are reported to law enforcement in Alabama. While most of these accidents are vehicle-to-vehicle collisions between trucks and passenger vehicles, some involve unsecured cargo and lost loads. If a tractor-trailer loses its cargo in transit and a victim gets injured or dies as a...
Read MoreWhat’s the Process for Reporting a Defective Vehicle or Part?
Automakers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the vehicles they design and produce. Unfortunately, a rush to get new cars on the market can lead to vehicles that contain defective and dangerous parts. Every year, many car accidents, injuries and deaths are attributed to defective vehicles and auto parts. If your vehicle...
Read MoreWhat Is a Rapid Response Team in a Truck Accident?
Being injured in a truck accident is frightening and confusing enough without also having to deal with a truck company’s rapid response team. Trucking companies send these teams to the scene of accidents immediately – sometimes arriving even before the police – to gather evidence and start building a case that protects the truck...
Read MoreAlabama Dram Shop Law
Drunk driving is a serious problem in Alabama and throughout the U.S. If you get injured in an accident involving a drunk driver, you may know that you can hold the driver responsible for your property repairs and medical bills through a car accident claim. You may not realize, however, that Alabama’s dram shop...
Read MoreRecognizing Common Injuries After a Car Accident
A car accident is a highly distressing event. You may experience fear, confusion and stress in the aftermath of a crash. The adrenaline from this experience may mask pain and other injury symptoms, causing you to assume that you are not injured. Our Birmingham personal injury attorneys recommend that it is important to go...
Read MoreSigns of Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence
The growing number of nursing home abuse and negligence cases in the US is becoming a huge concern. More than 1.3 million people reside in nursing homes throughout the country, facing some form of abuse on a daily basis. Abuse can take many different forms and having a better understanding of it is vital...
Read MoreHow Can Truck Driver Fatigue Cause Accidents?
Driver fatigue is the most common reason for accidents on roads and highways. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 600 deaths in 2019 occurred due to drowsy driving. Truck drivers are tired and fatigued since they spend long hours on the road. Fatigue can lead slow their response on...
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